Goatse Not Goat see

March 31, 2011
Topic: Goatse

Is it horrible that I know what a Goat See is? Last night at a gathering the topic came up and I just naturally assumed that most of my hipper than thou friends would know what I was talking about, however that wasn’t the case. This left me with trying to explain exactly what such a thing is. It is a popular Internet meme, but apparently hasn’t spread to everyday knowledge as say that kid after dental surgery asking if life was real. To further add to the buffoonery, I think the concept of a goat see actually originated on a Kansas City website…Go K.C.!

I was painfully reminded that I’m much better conveying ideas through the written word than I am verbally and semi-drunk. I kept trying to explain that the concept had nothing to do with an actual goat and that I really didn’t know why the word ‘goat’ was used to describe the pulling back of the sphincter as if they contents of the body were the main attraction and the buttocks were but curtains for the show. Despite my best efforts my friends could only concentrate on the idea that a goat was somehow involved, which led to an interesting discussion about goat eyes. Interestingly, they didn’t need pictures to understand the concept of ‘pegging’ which of course makes me wonder.

In the end J. was able to look up the Wikipedia definition on her Iphone, but I believe my vindication fell on deaf ears. C. did congratulate on educating her about pegging by giving me a high five – have high fives recently replaced fist bumping because I always find it easier to complete a fist bump instead of a high five because I’m white and most of my friends are white and we never seem coordinated enough to make a believable high five.

I just received an email from C, apparently the word is Goatse. I think this further proves that I’m not the Goat see/ Goatse expert people take me as.

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